Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday, September 22nd

Blog Post of the Day:
How was your weekend? Did you do anything exciting? Share photos!

     My weekend was pretty boring. I really didn't do anything exciting this weekend. On Friday I came home and my plans got cancelled and I was super tired so I just slept most of the evening.
     On Saturday I woke up early and went to the national archives across from Union Station to go through the exhibit for extra credit in AP Euro. After that I went home and about half an hour later I left for band which was from 11-4. When I got home from band I was super tired again and my parents were out on an anniversary date so I slept again.
     On Sunday I slept until 11 and then did some homework before I went through all my Halloween stuff for my haunted house that I have blogged about.I now have a good idea of what I need to get for the haunted house this year. After I went through all the Halloween stuff I worked on the YouTube channel for the haunted house. It takes forever to upload the videos to YouTube from my phone so my 20 minute vlog takes probably 3-4 hours to upload. I usually can't make the vlog in one video so I have to upload them to YouTube privately and then merge them together using the editor on YouTube. After I merge them together I can change the title and description and then post it as public.
     It was a pretty boring weekend but at least I got to sleep a lot.

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