Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15th

Blog Post of the Day:
What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!

     On Friday I played at the football game. It is always fun to play for people! I was up very late the night before so after the game I went home and fell asleep with my headphones blaring and all the lights in my room on. I woke up at 2 and was too tired to turn off the lights so I just rolled over and went back to sleep. Somewhere around four I woke up again and took my headphones off and I think a few minutes later my mom came and turned off the lights but I'm really not sure.
     On Saturday I woke up and got my passport photo taken for the mission trip we are going on to Jamaica for spring break. After that I went home and watched Youtube until my friend came later. 
     On Sunday I slept until noon and then watched videos on YouTube. Later in the afternoon I went to my grandmas house and pulled weeds. When I got home I made the sign for the haunted house I do every year on Halloween. It may seem early to be already working on it, but I have been working on it for a few weeks now and my first round of Halloween stuff should be here tomorrow! It takes a lot of time to put together the haunted house and time is something I don't have much of so I have to start pretty early.

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